Remember that great slogan from those Saturday morning cartoon days?? Yes, I am dating myself, but it's true. Being a visionary leader is not only about what you can do, but also, what you know. And ultimately, how you influence others with what you know.

If you're looking to make an innovative leap into business, technology, or even just influence hospital policy, you have to be willing to assess your surroundings and learn as much as you can to gain clarity and direction about how to make an impact. It also boosts your confidence when making those (sometimes risky, but rewarding) leaps of faith.
So, I'm dedicating this post to knowledge, and passing along some great articles that were insightful for me this past week.
Why U.S. Nurses are Suffering Work Hangovers - interesting read on the current state of the "nurse shortage" and the business behind Healthcare.
Failure into Success - In light of my recent e-book publication, I am all about using our "failures" to propel us to the next step in our journey.
How to close a deal - For those entrepreneurs, future startups, or business enthusiasts, this article gives practical steps to closing deals. It was a great read for me too!
And, just in case you haven't gotten around to it... Don't forget to download your copy of Visionary Nurse: 90-days of Inspirational Musings on being Influentially Visionary! May you be inspired!