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Where You Truly Belong...

First, and foremost, I wish a very special Veteran's Day to all who have served our country. Thank you!

Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash

As the product of a military family (my father was a Navy man!), I understand what it means to give your whole life over for the good of others. I have also grown up always trying to find out who I was, how I fit, and where I truly belonged. Growing up in a blended and dynamic family, where my father would often have to be away for 6 months out of the year for many years throughout my childhood, I chose to learn how to embrace anyone and everyone as a precious gift, and as family. Plus, with all the adventures and trinkets my father shared with us after each station away, it ignited a desire in me to see and explore the world.

My own wanderlust has taken me to many different places, often, for long stints of time. It may not have come with a military background, but I pursued purpose-driven traveling, as I connected with people and places all over the world that I have become like home for me. I learned that wherever my heart is, there is my home. I recognized that where I truly belonged was to connect with, support, and create intentional and meaningful relationships with those I had the privilege to meet. And, it has literally created a network of family for me everywhere. From Guatemala to Italy, the world is where I truly belong.

And now, having the opportunity to operate in this unique season of inspiring and motivating others to find where they truly belong by helping them uncover their unique vision, has been nothing short of amazing! It's also pushed me to find where I truly belong too!

If you want to hear a bit more about my journey, check out my episode of the online mini-series: "Where You 'Truely' Belong" hosted by Christina Wessendorf - where I talk about my God-given gift of "listening to my inner voice," as a source of propelling me into my vision. The episode airs this Wednesday, November 13th! It is a part of a virtual summit for purpose-driven travelers, and completely FREE. But you must register to catch my interview.

Speaking of November 13th, as a shout-out to the amazing Darrah Brustein(!!) --- it was her ability, as a true friend, to see the potential of where I truly belong to include me in her life by design, not by default virtual summit last year, which has now landed me as an expert guest on her Mind Your Business Accelerator that she just launched (along with many other opportunities that have come my way as a result). It is an amazing year-long business coaching program that you don't want to miss being a part of. As a birthday treat to her, consider signing up to re-gain the flexibility you always meant to have in your business. When you apply, tell her: Antonette Montalvo sent you!

So, as you use this day to reflect on the service that many have given for the good of others, continue to press into finding Where YOU Truly Belong too. And, as always, may you dare to be influentially visionary!

Happy Veteran's Day to those who have served us!

Happy (almost) Birthday, to my dear friend, Darrah! Thank you for being an amazing inspiration!

p.s. For the nurses still wanting to launch that product, idea, or innovation, find out where you truly belong in the world of innovation by registering for the Johnson and Johnson-sponsored SONSIEL Nurse Hack-a-thon. Can't wait to see the amazing ideas that come out of the event. Hope to meet many of you there!!

p.p.s I would also LOVE your support, as I continue to play my part in helping re-build my precious Bahamas! Would you consider donating today? Ways to donate in flyer below. Donations are tax-deductible through my church, the host organization: New Life Prophetic Ministries.

Fun Fact: After I got into nursing, I did entertain the idea of joining the military as a flight nurse, or something along those lines, but, I knew it wasn't for me. Yet, I recognized that as a Nurse, I also have a duty to commit to serving others.



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